此表格考生可登录个人官方账户,在Manage My Account中My Profile中找到并下载;下载这个表格是PDF文件,用AdobeReader打开,而且这个PDF文件和word类似,用Adobe Reader编辑保存即可;
Step 1:
CFA Institute identification;E-mail报名时的主要邮箱;以上两项如果记得不清楚可以登录:https://www.cfainstitute.org/finsecustomer_enu查查;
Step 2:
Prefix or Suffix:这个可以根据个人情况修改,一般不用修改;
Middle Name or Initial:我们华人基本没有这个Middle Name;
Last Name(family or surname):自己的姓,如果填错,可修改,原则是与护照所示“姓”保持一致;
Date of Birth(day/month/year):这个一般不会有变化吧,除非有特例;
以上对表格内容的已经作了说明,填写应该大家都知道,就不一一说明了,不修改的地方,后面“No Change”打勾。原话是这样说的:Update the data that you would like to change.Please place a in the“No Change”column if the current information is correct.
Step 3中的Signature,date(day/month/year)这个不要在PDF里面编辑。
邮件标题:My CFA Institute identification是******,需要更新一下什么信息。
邮件内容:My CFA Institute identification是********,我的名字是*****,我需要更新一下什么信息,更新信息以前是什么,现在更新为什么即可,底下署名就行了。
参考资料为CFA官方协会发布信息:Identification Policy(effective 1 January 2011),详情如下:
In order to enroll in the CFA Program and to register to sit for the CFA exam,you must have a valid international travel passport.The government-issued ID number on your passport and the country of issuance must be entered during online exam registration.On exam day,you must present your passport,containing the same name,date of birth,government-issued ID number,and country of issuance that you used to register,at the test center for admittance.ID requirements are strictly enforced.It is your responsibility to read and understand the instructions and requirements.If you do not present appropriate ID you will not be admitted to the test center and you will forfeit your registration fee.
In order for your passport to be considered valid it must:
Be an international travel document.Internal passports used as a national ID are not sufficient.
Be current(not expired)
Contain your name,date of birth,government-issued ID number,and country of issuance exactly as you provided when you registered to take the CFA exam
Include a recognizable photograph
Be an original document.Photocopies will not be accepted.
This policy sets forth one global standard,in the form of a single document that is both internationally obtainable and recognizable,that allows us to confirm the identity of our candidates,and to ensure that all candidates receive identical treatment during the exam day admissions process.